Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is not art

Well, I was just looking at this...wait. Ahem. Can I have some water?

Oh, no, don't worry. I'm sure I'll feel better in just a...hrrmph.

Wait. Oh, dear. I'm going to...

pant pant pant
pant pant pant
deep breaths
get it together, Amy

OK, I can finish the post n...GAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


  1. Oh, my goodness. We have hit rock bottom. Amy just made herself throw up all over the 'puter. This is so sad. I'm going to have to go gaze at the real art on my walls to make up for this. Heck, I might even go to a museum this afternoon. Just because I can.

    Deep breaths, Amy. Deep, clean breaths.

    (ROFLMBO!!! Again!!!)

  2. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    For so long, I have thought that I was a lone wanderer. Or that there was something wrong with me. Everyone (at least the women) I know seems to gush over these paintings while I just want to scream "Dear God in heaven, WHY?"

    I get a cavity just looking at the treacly sweetness. Blergh.

  3. I'm just giddy over the wording "treacly sweetness." You're so very welcome, anonymous commenter!
