Thursday, May 21, 2009

Self assessment

I could not be the idiotic, ugly, brainless, stinking, imbecilic, foul, heartless, obtuse, short-sighted, moronic bastard who decides to fire a smart, loyal, hard-working company employee of 27 years. I don't have it in me. I'm not a scum-sucking moron.


  1. Right! And furthermore, I just noticed that the artwork depicting the puke-encrusted vermin also shows that in addition to having girly hands, he also wears short sleeved shirts with his ill-fitting suit. He's the kind of odoriferous ninny who would let his best recruiter go.


  2. Awwwwwww -- and here I was just hoping he would get rabies and head lice. Your adjectives are just lovely, Amy!
